If you haven‘t heard of Microsoft Kaizala so far or thought it‘s just a WhatsApp clone, chances are: it‘s about time for you to learn more about Kaizala. Truth be told, the increasing usage of mobile devices is a fact. Likewise individual and personalized services, tailored to internal and external customers needs.

Here are our Top 20 picks of Kaizala business cases, which fit to almost any company. More about Kaizala>


External business cases

Mobile business applications

Why develop standalone Apps including all legal regulations and compliance requirements? This costs time, money and is usually already outdated at release. Whereas with Kaizala Apps only the business logic and frontend has to be implemented. More>

Connecting customers: communities & workflows

Of course there are many social media, but with Kaizala you can send 1:1, 1:n or n:m push messages and get feedback directly. Customers can simultaneously initiate transparent workflows in the company or receive personal support on your social “customer” media. More>

External onboarding

The integration of external people can be arbitrarily complex and costs time and money. With Kaizala only the telephone number needs to be assigned. This way a complete communication and collaboration infrastructure is available at once. An infrastructure, which can be integrated into the company IT as tightly as needed. More>

Due diligence

As soon as a company carries out or has carried out a due diligence more frequently, binding standards have been established. Especially on what, how and where information has to be entered. With Kaizala these standards can be extended to mobile devices to all parties. More>

Technical service and support

Especially for critical products or solutions in need of support: with Kaizala personal support and advice is available for customers more easily and anytime. More>

space shuttle

Sales – commissions

In sales, live data is often an additional motivation for the commission – including individualized statistics per employee. This data can be made available in real time via Kaizala. More>

Sales – near time information

For customers and suppliers, real-time inventories or stocks can be important. With Kaizala, this data is always available. The same applies to employees who are directly available to sales by chat via Kaizala. Because customers appreciate reliable and timely feedback – even in sales meetings. More>

Sales – workflows

Mobile or external sales can initiate all digital processes directly – onsite or even during a meeting with a customer. Even complex approval processes for contracts can be handled promptly. For financial services, production, heavy industry, logistics and many more – processes that could otherwise take weeks are completed in 15 minutes or less – onsite. More>

Security and facility management

There are alot of external services for a company. Work results need to be documented by external employees and approved by you, orders need to be created with complete information and many more. Most of those tasks are still paper based. Digitizing these tasks improves transparency and communication while cutting costs. More>


Otherwise complex approval processes of documents, contents and forms can be done with one click. A push message informs your people that their attention is required. Save time and speed up processes. More>

Bonus: Microsoft Teams integration

Chat, polls,… there are many things you can do with Kaizala. Teams are a bit more demanding for other purposes, especially between internal employees. So if you use Teams now, you can easily synchronize both environments – including all conversations and content. The best of both worlds. More>

Busy Kaizala office with meditating man

Internal business cases

AI Bot

Mobile devices are well suited to complement daily work. AI bots function as digital assistants, for dictation, for written or voice commands or even password recovery, while enabling push-messages. Employee productivity is increased by integrating mobile devices seamlessly. More>

Workflow frontend

Document or change approval, task or content approval, scan codes, document freight status with GPS data, scan or take a photo of documents – there is a lot to do. Kaizala turns any mobile device into a workflow frontend, saving costs and time. More>


For specific tasks it makes sense to require an approval of the recipient or manager. This includes ways to update specific task metrics (location, department, project, cost number,..). People are able to approve and update tasks where- and whenever: wait times are eliminated and collaboration performance increases, resulting in higher productivity. More>

Sick note

Scan the doctor‘s sick report, archive it automatically in the document management system, inform colleagues and superiors and automatically activate absence email, as well as meeting and task manager in the company. The impact of absence due to illness is reduced to a minimum. More>

Employee communities and social activities

In today‘s business world, employee communities and joint activities are becoming increasingly important. From the group of technical specialists to core areas, corporate sports teams, mother circles to departmental meetings. A healthy company atmosphere during and after work promotes good work. More>

Part-time staff

Onboarding and integration of part-time staff and seasonal workers can be arbitrarily complex and complicated. By simply adding the user via Kaizala, this effort becomes superfluous and all those people can immediately get started on the job. More>

Time tracking

The more detailed the time tracking of employees should be, the more cumbersome it becomes to handle. This costs time and increases dissatisfaction of all employees involved. With largely automated, mobile time recording, these problems are reduced to a minimum and the recorded data is more reliable. More>

First line workers

Employees onsite deserve all the help they need. With Kaizala all colleagues and all data is directly available. A complete mobile office even on BYOD devices, without the need for laptops or similar tools. Cuts costs, saves time and makes onsite IT hard- and software support obsolete. More>

Kaizala man meditate

IT Helpdesk

How do I submit an authorized support request to the IT Helpdesk if the main device is defective? How do I reach the right IT staff? And how do you create a friendly atmosphere in IT support? Kaizala can also meet these and more requirements: Save time and increase trust. More>

Documentation onsite

Documenting freight, sites, machines during operation or due to damage is cumbersome – yet oftentimes required. With a smartphone its eaysily documented: picture, video and text. With Kaizala all that data is digitally available immediately – to all involved. More>

You will be in good company

“The cooperation was at all times uncomplicated and always goal-oriented. Even complex questions were answered on short notice, which made the project very fast and productive.”

Alfing Maschinenfabrik

“xspera created an effective IT helpdesk solution based on Kaizala, which drastically improved the integration between requesters and supporters for us.”

SCB - Saigon Commercial Bank

“We had distinct requirements on SharePoint data migration and automatic data protection with Azure Information Protection (AIP). xspera implemented the whole project with our requirements excellently.”

Mekong Capital

“From the beginning we experienced with xspera a highly professional and customer-oriented partner with extensive knowledge in enterprise digitization.”

Dr. Gerd Grimberger, CIQC GmbH

“xspera created and implemented our digital enterprise strategy. I’m very grateful to the whole xspera team.


“xspera was able to show us the potential of Microsoft Kaizala for our organization. We value xspera’s competence and experience to create and develop the Kaizala application, as well as leading the roll-out for 350,000 users.


“All expectations were met both regarding time and cost. Promised delivery dates were met and, in some cases, even implemented before the due date.”

Alfing Maschinenfabrik

“We also appreciate the attitude of xspera‘s staff, who always give their best upon any additional project-related requirement.”

SCB - Saigon Commercial Bank

“The xspera team is always supportive and responsive, delivering top-notch quality and on time.”

Mekong Capital